By Peaceful Means is a grassroots community organization born in East Baltimore in 2007. We are on mission to interrupt physical and structural violence by empowering youth through peace education, advocacy, and employment.

Who are we


Our learning takes place outside of the classroom and in the real world. Youth are able to experience, learn, and apply new ideas and concepts relating to world’s largest problems- from peace to sustainability.


From city politics to prisoners of conscience, our youth are engaged in positively changing the world around them.

In the summer of 2010 the city of Baltimore planned to close 13 walk-to neighborhood pools in the name of budget cuts. Our campers wrote letters to the mayor, protested at the neighborhood pool and met with the head of the City’s Parks and Recreation  Department. They were featured on radio shows and in the newspaper. They succeeded in their efforts and the City reopened the pools and has since kept them running summer after summer.


Youth that have gone through our programs are able to come back as teens and be employed with us. They are able to shape the future of the program and pass down what they have learned over the years to our younger participants.